Switch off this Christmas?
- 9th December 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: News
What a year…
If permission is required, we think that all hard-pressed practitioners should endeavour to close down for at least a week over the Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Aside from recharging batteries, practitioners can also place some distance between themselves and their problems and achieve what is only possible if you embrace this process and regain objectivity.
Switching off in this way allows the grey matter to do what it does best, make connections between unrelated and related ideas that may well produce solutions that no amount of active brainstorming will achieve.
By all means get conscious of the issues that need resolution, but then place any active consideration on hold until you switch on your computer in 2021.
Historical records demonstrate that eureka moments occur when least expected. Witness Archimedes bath tub moment when he realised that the water displaced by his body must equal his body weight. He used this realisation to prove to his king that his crown maker had not used pure gold to make his crown.
Without a doubt, 2020 has been a horrific year, our annus horribilis. The stresses on clients and practitioners alike to deal with the unprecedented disruption has been difficult for most.
The challenge in 2021 will be to support clients strapped for cash in surviving until the COVID vaccines release us from constant in and out of lockdown.
So, as best you can, try and distance yourself from business issues until the new year. You deserve a break.
Source: New feed