
The Home Office has launched a new toolkit to enable employers to increase awareness amongst their EU employees about the EU Settlement Scheme and what they need to know and do to apply for “settled status”, which is the new immigration status that EU nationals
must obtain to stay in the UK after Brexit. The toolkit will help employers in reassuring and helping EU nationals apply for settled status.

The toolkit, which has been developed with employers and industry groups, includes a briefing pack, videos, posters and leaflets and it is available on the website.

The EU Settlement Scheme will open on a phased basis later this year and will be fully open by 30 March 2019. The deadline for applications will be 30 June 2021. In the meantime, there will be a live pilot of the scheme beginning on 28 August 2018 in the
north-west of England (using 4,000 employees and students in NHS Trusts and universities) to help the Home Office test and improve the proposed application process before it is rolled out more widely.

Source: New feed