
The government has launched a review of the current whistleblowing framework. The review will gather evidence on the effectiveness of the current whistleblowing regime in enabling workers to speak up about wrongdoing and protecting those who do so. The review will seek views and evidence from whistleblowers, key charities, employers and regulators, and this evidence-gathering stage of the review will be concluded by autumn 2023. The core research questions in the review are:

  • how has the whistleblowing framework facilitated disclosures?
  • how has the whistleblowing framework protected workers?
  • is whistleblowing information available and accessible for workers, employers, prescribed persons and others?
  • what have been the wider benefits and impacts of the whistleblowing framework, on employers, prescribed persons and others?
  • what does best practice look like in responding to disclosures?

The review will also examine evidence related to the definition of worker for whistleblowing protections.

Source: New feed