
HMRC's published guidance titled ‘Check a list of genuine HMRC contacts’ has been updated. The list is intended to help taxpayers verify if recent contacts purporting to be from HMRC were genuine or a scam. The guidance contains a list of emails, phone calls, letters and text messages recently issued by HMRC. The list can be useful to help taxpayers decide if a contact is genuine or from a fraudster trying to trick taxpayers into supplying confidential or personal information. 

The most recent updates have seen information added on:

  • National Minimum Wage – Between January and March 2021, HMRC is delivering an education programme to workers in the textile trade to raise awareness of entitlement to National Minimum Wage. If you employ people in this industry, you may receive a letter from HMRC. The letter will include details of current National Minimum Wage rates and tell you about the most common reasons for the National Minimum Wage being paid incorrectly.
  • Information contractors receive about tax – Between February 2021 and April 2021, HMRC will be working with independent research agency, IFF Research Ltd. IFF Research will be carrying out research on HMRC’s behalf, looking at the advice and information HMRC publish about tax. You may receive a letter and / or call from IFF Research in respect of this research.

Source: New feed