
Most accountants will have little experience or interest in the regulations that now govern the movement of goods to and from the EU.

A reminder that clients inexperienced in dealing with the red-tape involved should probably consider using the services of a qualified freight forwarder, customs agent/brokers or fast parcel operators.

The GOV.UK website lists the following solution:

You can hire a person or business to deal with customs for you, such as:

  • freight forwarders
  • customs agents or brokers
  • fast parcel operators

What they can do for you (and who will be liable) depends on:

  • the services they provide.
  • what you want them to do
  • the commercial agreement you have with them.

They can act for you either as a:

  • direct representative
  • indirect representative

They cannot act on your behalf without written instructions from you. The instruction must show whether they’re acting for you directly or indirectly. HMRC will only ask for evidence of the authorisation if we need it. They will also need to be established in the EU.

HMRC have published a list of customs agents and fast parcel operators to help find someone to deal with customs for affected clients.

Source: New feed