
A new review designed to boost the employment prospects of autistic people has been launched by the government. The Buckland Review of Autism Employment, to be led by Sir Robert Buckland KC MP, will consider how the government can support employers to recruit and retain autistic people and reap the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce. The review will ask businesses, employment organisations, specialist support groups and autistic people to help identify the barriers to securing and retaining work and progressing with their careers. It will consider issues including:

  • how employers can identify and better support autistic staff already in their workforce
  • what more could be done to prepare autistic people effectively for beginning or returning to a career
  • working practices or initiatives to reduce stigma and improve the productivity of autistic employees.

The review will start in May 2023 and then recommendations for change will be presented to the government in September 2023.

Source: New feed